SEC Filings

Form Filing Date Description Downloads
3 January 4, 2021 Initial Statement of Beneficial Ownership links links links links
3 January 4, 2021 Initial Statement of Beneficial Ownership links links links links
3 January 4, 2021 Initial Statement of Beneficial Ownership links links links links
3 January 4, 2021 Initial Statement of Beneficial Ownership links links links links
6-K December 21, 2020 Report of Foreign Issuer Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 links links links links
424B4 December 17, 2020 Prospectus filed pursuant to Rule 424(b)(4) links links links links
F-1MEF December 16, 2020 Registration of Additional Securities (up to 20%, foreign issuer) links links links links
EFFECT December 16, 2020 Effectiveness Order links links links
F-1/A December 15, 2020 Securities Registration (foreign private issuer) links links links links
F-1/A December 14, 2020 Securities Registration (foreign private issuer) links links links links